
Showing posts from February, 2014

Pity the Plight of Young Fellows...

Pity The Plight Pity the fate of young fellows Too long a bed with no sleep With their complex romantic attachments All look on their sorrows and weep They dont get a moments reflection Theres always a crowd in their eye Pity the plight of young fellows Regard all their worries and cry Their crusty young mothers were lazy perhaps Leaving it up to the school Where the moral perspective is hazy perhaps And the climate; oppressively cool Give me some acre of cellos Pitched at some distant regret Pity the plight of young fellows And their anxious attempts to forget These are the tears of a thug like murky water Crying tears as clear as mud for his fathers daughter His half-sister; he felt obliged to support her Since her mum was poor and his dad died even poorer Separated until she was 8 years old He knew as soon as he saw her That he adored her, so hes baying for blood with a borer And an automatic weapon; Smith & Weston T...