There is no Poverty in New Zealand...
The state of poverty in New Zealand today is horrendous. So many children are going without food, without adequate shelter, without clothing, without shoes, without education. The biggest problem that New Zealand faces today, is the widening gap between classes which are roaring back into society. The upper and middle classes of this country have no idea of the amount of poverty that exists in New Zealand. That people survive with four children on a single income of less than $20,000 a year doesn’t feature in their ideas of life. I work in one of the poorest areas of New Zealand and I see children constantly come to school who have no lunch, no breakfast, no shoes, no jacket. Who have been up late the night before, because their parents have had a sunday night drinking or smoking session. That have had to baby-sit their little brothers or sisters all weekend because their parents have been away. That have moved house in the middle of the night because they could...